Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Halfway Done...

Three more days to detox...and I have yet to feel the benefits. I'm hoping tomorrow is a better day. It may have been the roundtrip drive to Carlsbad I made today...but I'll say my energy hasn't been this low in a while. 

Its gonna take a miracle to get to Friday...everyone keep your fingers crossed.


  1. Hi Danielle...this is posting as Madeleine but it is me, Kristia! I love your 25 by 25...very catchy and quite attainable with great discipline. I know you can do it and what a great thing to do for yourself! and by the way, I love cauliflower...my sister in law Karen Ann taught me how to broil it so it gets toasty brown on top and it gives it great flavor...if you are eating olive oil...just barely brush it on top and stick it under the broiler for a few minutes - it will become an entire new vegetable!

  2. I believe you. I believe in me. In fact I think we can use a common mental image to help reach our goals. Whenever I have to tackle an unpleasant task, I try to focus on my reward: Louie naked covered in honey. Delicious. That image will hopefully make you not want to eat. However, if that image also strikes you as a reward, we may have more serious problems than 25 pounds.
